Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Assignments and Information for the Week of 1/28/08 and 2/4/08*

Second Semester and we all have a clean slate.
We will begin this semester going back into our math education history and look at some topics and make sure we truly understand the concepts. Once we have done that and solidified our math foundation new topics should be easier to investigate.
This week we will look at Fractions. Estimating values, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing will be our focus but, that we require that we revisit finding the common denominator.
Remember to keep your folder organized. Think of it as your Math Brain, which if cluttered will not function well. Please submit all assignments timely to ensure the highest level of credit.

1/28/08 Plotting fractions on a number line

1/29/08 Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Homework: BPII - Page 10 #1,3,8,9, & Choose 3 from #10-15

1/30/08 Multiplying Fractions
Homework: BPII - Page 41 #6-8, & 10

1/31/08 Dividing Fractions and Quiz Review

2/1/08 Fractions Quiz

Have a great week!!
*(Due to school cancellations, the above schedule was spread over two weeks and this entry was updated)