Monday, January 7, 2008

Assignment and Information for the Week of 1/7/08

Welcome Back Everyone.
The classroom will see some additions and subtractions as some schedule adjustments were made over the holiday break. Students in these classrooms for one reason or another have struggled with the Mathematics curriculum. The district Recovery program was developed to aid these students and help to prevent any further credits. This week we begin anew by discussing the expectations of all members in the classroom and discuss grading policies. Following the setting of class norms we will begin a two week skill improvement unit aimed at filling in some mathematical holes in our academic highways. This weeks we will stop and revisit Exponents, Order of Operations, Inverse operations, and Translating Words to Algebraic Expressions. Of course we may make some detours along the way to address some individual topics.
Getting off to a good start will develop study habits that will help everyone to be more successful. Remember to keep your binder organized. Think of it as your Math Brain, which if cluttered will not function well. Please submit all assignments timely to ensure the highest level of credit.

1/7/08 Classroom Expectations

1/8/08 Exponents
Homework: TBA

1/9/08 Order of Operations
Homework: TBA

1/10/08 Inverse Operations
Homework: TBA

1/11/08 Translating Words to Algebraic Expressions

Have a great week!!